Dune Grass Planting Project

Nags Head Youth Fishing Tournament

First Flight Meeting

Cerveza Above Self

New Members

First Flight Rotary logo with plane

Welcome to the First Flight Rotary Club!

We invite you to learn about Rotary and our club.

We meet 1:00 PM on Wednesdays at the Beachside Bistro in the Sea Ranch Resort,

1731 N. Virginia Dare Trail, Kill Devil Hills, NC


To learn more, please contact us.

Our Fundraisers & Events

   Events and Service Projects Calendar


Help support victims of the LA Wild Fire Disaster 

Our hearts go out to all who have been impacted by the Wildfires in Los Angeles, CA. Rotary colleagues in California have been receiving updates from the local LA area districts. The most heartbreaking takeaway from all the information is that every member of the Palisades Rotary Club has lost their home! All have evacuated and are safe.

From DG Albert Hernandez of Rotary District 5280 in greater Los Angelos, CA: We have created a Wildfires Resource Page so all our clubs and partnering Districts can make a monetary donation, make resources available to those in need, seek resources and provide collaborative support in the ways of meals, water, blankets, etc. Visit the webpage for see how you can support our efforts: https://rotary5280.org/page/2025-wildfire-disaster-relief/ #District5280

Congratulations Jeremy Miller and Carl Classen

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People of Action – We are Rotary!

A collaborative effort by the Rotary clubs of the Outer Banks who processed over 2400 pounds of donated food at the Beach Food Pantry shows Rotary’s commitment to supporting those in need through “Service Above Self.”

By efficiently handling over 1 ton of donated food from a successful May 31, Dare Days Food Drive, local Rotarians from the Manteo, Kitty Hawk and First Flight Rotary clubs displayed their commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others. Through their hard work and attention to detail, local Rotarians ensured that the donated items were properly organized, checked for expiration dates, sorted and ready to stock. These donations are key in supporting individuals and families facing food insecurity in our community.


First Flight Rotary Club members volunteer at Ruthies Kitchen

Together We Inspire through Service Above Self

84 Meals Prepared, Packed, and Delivered for Ruthie’s Kitchen Service Project. Embodying the Rotary Spirit of Community Support one life, one project at a time.

First Flight Rotary was well-represented at April 27th RLI Part I session in Kitty Hawk!
Participating in Rotary Leadership Institute is a perfect way to learn the nuts and bolts of Rotary, and to network and share ideas with Rotarians from around the region.

First Flight Rotary does the Chicamocomico

No, the Chicamocomico is not the latest dance craze in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

The Chicamacomico Historic site is a life-saving station on Pea Island in the Outer Banks that is currently undergoing renovation. According to the sites website, “visitors will find heroes, the early history of US Life-Saving Service/US Coast Guard in North Carolina and the home of the state’s first trained, shore-based rescue responders at Rodanthe’s Chicamacomico Life-saving Station.”

The First Flight Rotary Clubs October 16th meeting was held on the campus of the Chicamacomico Historic site.

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Lorri Barret, Outreach Director at Albemarle Area United Way speaks at July 17th Meeting

The Albemarle Area United Way Outreach Director Lorri Barrett shared United Way mission and how they partner with organizations in the Albemarle area to achieve that mission.

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Protecting our North Carolina Coastal wildlife explained by Victoria Blakey.

For many reasons the population of our shellfish such as oysters is declining. Victoria visited our club May 1, 2024 meeting to provide an overview of what the North Carolina Coastal Federation is doing to reinvest in growing these populations.

Three Rotary Clubs in the Outer Banks of North Carolina are impacting the communities where they serve locally and in the world.

The First Flight Rotary Club, Kitty Hawk Rotary Club and Manteo Rotary Club make up Area 1 of Rotary District 7720 in eastern North Carolina. The clubs are located in Manteo, North Carolina, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and Nags Head North Carolina.

At the February 4th Semi-Annual meeting of the three clubs, Area 1 Assistant District Governor John Polk reviewed the clubs’ accomplishments,. The list is quite impressive. 

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Rotary Clubs throughout the Outer Banks are supporting this Eagle Scout Project


First Flight Rotary provides Backpacks for needy residents of OBX Room in the Inn

While many in our community were getting ready for celebrating Halloween, members of the First Flight Rotary Club were assembling backpacks for the needy in our community that will be residing at the OBX Room in the Inn.

First Flight members initiated a Rotary District Grant Project for Shelter Backpacks for residents at the OBX Room in the Inn. After purchasing needed supplies, members met at the YMCA gym on October 31st to assemble the back packs.

Service is the heart of Rotary and its members. Together we change lives in our community and around the world. 96 Backpacks for the Outer Banks' only homeless shelter-Room in the Inn. Each pack contained personal hygiene kits, socks, grooming items, full body bath wipes, healthy snacks and bottled water. Service Above Self!

The Mission of OBX Room at the Inn is to provide hospitality, food, shelter, and support services to homeless men and women on the Outer Banks during the cold winter months. While many in our community were getting ready for celebrating Halloween, members of the First Flight Rotary Club were assembling backpacks for the needy in our community that will be residing at the OBX Room in the Inn.

First Flight members initiated a Rotary District Grant Project for Shelter Backpacks for residents at the OBX Room in the Inn. After purchasing needed supplies, members met at the YMCA gym on October 31st to assemble the back packs.

The following are photos of the backpack assembly and delivery.





If you missed the September 11th weekly Rotary meeting, you missed a fantastic presentation by fellow First Flight Rotary member Jim Huitt.

This writer has never been prouder to be a Rotarian than I was today to hear Jim Huitts passion for helping those incarcerated in one of this countries penal facilities through an organization called Kairos Prison Ministries.

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One of the things members love about Rotary, is the international flavor of it’s membership and projects. The story below shares a project fundraiser to raise funds for donations to Rotary’s Rotary’s #1 Priority, the Eradication of Polio.

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The three Rotary 4 Way Test Essay contest winners read their essays to our members during our meeting on May 15th.

Competitors prepared an essay on how they view the application of the Rotary 4 Way Test in their lives and the world around them. We heard 3 stellar essays by these very talented middle school writers defining the actual application of the test: 

  • Is it the truth?
  • Is it fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

It is one thing to say the words. It is quite another to apply the words to our lives and daily relationships. Our contestants provided us with some excellent perspectives how the 4 Way Test would make each of them a better person.

The three contestants are:

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Rotary Leadership Institute - Program Description

What to Expect

Whether in-person or virtual, events are one day in length with each event comprising five or six 50-minute sessions. Some virtual offerings might be spread over two days, with the same number of sessions spread over that time. Only one part can be taken at a time. Therefore, it takes three separate events to complete all three parts. Some people complete all three in a couple of months while others take a year or more.
Be sure to check the running schedule on the right side of this page and register for the event that is conducive to your needs.

RLI offers Rotary knowledge courses in three sessions (Parts I, II, and III, and each part consists of 4 in-person classes. Those completing each course are eligible for the next. There are graduate courses available to those who have completed the three-part RLI curriculum.  The courses are designed to provide leadership skills while advancing Rotary knowledge and understanding.

PART I – “THE ROTARIAN”  Your introduction to the RLI experience. Begin your day by meeting fellow Rotarians and your Rotarian Discussion Leaders. Emphasis is placed on providing an overview of Rotary programs and helping develop ideas that participants can take back to their Rotary Clubs. Courses include:  

My Leadership In Rotary

My Rotary World

Ethics & Vocational Service

Foundation I: Our Foundation

Engaging Members

Creating Service Projects

PART II – “ THE CLUB”  (a total of 4-sessions) The RLI journey continues, the depth of subject matter increases and focus is placed on fostering the qualities of a knowledgeable Rotarian by building on the basics learned in Part I.  Courses include:

Rotary Opportunities

Effective Leadership Strategies

Attracting Members

Club Communication

Team Building

Foundation II: Targeted Service

PART III – “My ROTARY JOURNEY”  (a total of 4-sessions) The final phase of RLI, courses become much more in-depth and detailed. Learn about opportunities available to you and your club through RI and how to best utilize them. Understand what it means to be a Rotarian and how you can use your RLI knowledge to better serve your club. Courses include:

Strategic Planning

Foundation III: International Service

Public Image and Public Relations

Building a Stronger Club

Making a Difference.

RLI Graduate Courses

For those who become RLI Graduates following successful completion of the three-part curriculum series of RLI Graduate Courses focused on one Rotary subject for the session and are comprehensive and detailed. Current Graduate Courses include Membership and the Rotary Foundation

Discussion Leader Training

RLI Graduates, by invitation only, may also take Discussion Leader Training as a precursor to being accepted as a RLI Discussion Leader, assisting other Rotarians in their RLI journey. Discussion Leader Training is also offered to non-RLI Graduates such as District Governors who want to learn the skills associated with, a RLI Discussion Leader that can be used in Club, District, or Zone training. Without being a RLI Graduate, the Discussion Leader Training Graduate may not lead RLI sessions.

Amazing work in our community through the

Interfaith Community Outreach!

 Thank you Executive Director Jennifer Albanese and Outreach
Coordinator Lindsey Kee for joining us for our weekly meeting.
Interfaith Community Outreach assists individuals facing a temporary emergency crisis. Assisting with Veterans outreach, disaster relief, cancer and health outreach, home rehabilitation, mental health and so much more. Since ICO’s founding in 2003, this organization has helped over 19,000 individuals in Dare and Currituck who were facing a temporary emergency crisis.
Devil Hills.

Captain Jack presented the “Challenges of fishing the Gulf Stream”.

Capt Jack presented an interesting scenario that he, as a Charter Captain for recreational charters and commercial fishermen, has to deal with because of regulations governing fishing in NC territorial ocean waters.

As a recreational charter captain, he takes recreational fishermen into the Gulf Stream for the thrill of catching tuna. Unfortunately, in recent years, the tuna population has been decimated by an overpopulation of sharks.

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First Flight Rotary members made this past holiday season for

five Peak Resources Rehab patients a little bit brighter.

Members shopped for 5 angel tree recipients and delivered those goods to Peak Resources Rehab center in Nags Head, North Carolina.
We asked the administrators at Peak to shop for residents that didn’t have many visitors or local family. Every person needs extra love at this time of the year and always! Sometimes the “Seniors” are forgotten. But they need to know they still matter!

The Angel Tree shopping lists consisted of clothing (men and women adults), food and health & beauty items. The list also included candy, Cheetos, Chips Ahoy and Twinkies. Some, specifically, asked for the soft cookies. The food requests may be related to their preference for soft dessert treats due to dental issues and other physical issues related to their rehab that prevent them from enjoying the holiday treats we take for granted this time of year.

First Flight Rotary Club - Helena Disaster Relief Donation

   Program Coordinators and Speakers for our upcoming Meetings

      • 1/29/25    Cerveza Above Self – Jolly Roger Restaurant, 1836 N Virginia Dare Trail, Kill Devil Hills, NC 
      • 2/5/25      Christy Cooper, Program Coordinator
      • 2/12/25   Hearst Vann, Program Coordinator  Speaker:  Jenniffer Albanese, An update on Interfaith Community Outreach in Currituck and Dare Counties.
      • 2/19/25    David Vanaskey, Program Coordinator
      • 2/26/25   Jay Taylor, Program Coordinator
    • Click here for the 2025 Meeting Program Coordinator assignment.

A Message from District 7720, Area 1 Assistant Governor John  Polk

As we begin this new year, I am excited to share our inaugural Area 1 Rotary Newsletter! Enhanced communication among our clubs is essential for strengthening Rotary’s presence on the Outer Banks and within our District. Our collaborative efforts these past months have shown the remarkable outcomes we can achieve while working together. I appreciate the outstanding leadership of all our clubs and the time, talent, dedication, and commitment each member brings to Rotary. Thank you for your support!

This year, I encourage everyone to connect with other clubs in meaningful ways. Attend another club’s meetings, fundraisers, participate in service projects, or collaborate on events—your involvement is important. These interactions will strengthen our relationships, broaden our network, and enhance our impact.

By improving communication between our clubs, we can better understand community needs, identify service gaps, and work together for a greater impact. Let’s make this year one of collaboration and progress!

I see this newsletter as a tool for growth in our Rotary community. I would appreciate any suggestions, ideas or input on what you would like to see in upcoming quarterly editions.

In Rotary Service,

John Polk
Assistant Governor
Area 1, D7720

District 7720 Area 1 – Jan 11, 2025 Newsletter


Dare to C.A.R.E Vascular Screening

Appointment times are available for Monday, Sept 23rd at the COA Dare Campus in Manteo from 5 pm tp 8 pm.  If you, or someone you know, are eligible and would like a free screening, please contact Sandy Martin directly to schedule an appointment by calling 252-202-7632.

Eligibility Information

Rotarians may volunteer for this event and screenings taking place Sept.  by clicking here.

First Flight Rotary Club                                                            Newsletter Announcements

July 17, 2024 Presidents Announcements

Aug 18, 2024 Presidents Announcements

Sept 11, 2024 Presidents Announcements

October 16, 2024 Presidents Announcements

January 11, 2025 Area 1 Newsletter




Throughout the year, the First Flight Rotary Club does a number of signature fundraisers. The money raised from these fundraisers support our First Flight Rotary Foundation.

The First Flight Rotary Foundation shares these funds with Outer Banks non-profit community organizations through grant requests. 

Your support of First Flight Rotary through our Signature Events, fundraisers and contributions to the FFRC Foundation, allows us to provide much needed support to those most in need in our community.

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Congratulations to our latest Paul Harris Fellow Recipients

Congratulations to First Flight Rotarian and Past President Kearns Lowman on receiving his next level Paul Harris Fellow recognition pin for his continued support of the Rotary Foundation.

Hearst does it again

Hearst’s latest PHF

Congrats on your PHF



Buxton’s latest PHF

Elijah leads the way

Rotary is a diverse global network of community, business and professional leaders who address relevant causes at home and abroad to improve lives and build goodwill.


Rotary unites more than a million people

Through Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and professional connections while making a difference in their backyards and around the world.


We take action locally and globally

Each day, our members pour their passion, integrity, and intelligence into completing projects that have a lasting impact. We persevere until we deliver real, lasting solutions.


No challenge is too big for us

For more than 110 years, we’ve bridged cultures and connected continents to champion peace, fight illiteracy and poverty, promote clean water and sanitation, and fight disease.

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change —
across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.